#Behringer x32 usb recording level software#
X-Live controls are assignable to X32 user buttons, turning the console into a live playback machine for delivering dynamic content to theatrical events, without the need for hardware samplers or software running on dedicated computers.
Markers can be set on the fly for identifying song positions while recording or playing back. You may also record using both USB and SD interfaces simultaneously for redundancy. This enables you to play back your recorded session from an SD card, and at the same time record tracks into your DAW via USB. The USB and SD interfaces can operate simultaneously or independently. If needed, the multi-channel WAV files can be imported directly into most popular DAWs for post-production applications.
X-LIVE uses standard uncompressed 32-bit PCM format multi-channel WAV files for optimal read/write performance on a wide variety of SD/SDHC cards. It provides over 3 hours of uncompressed, 32-channel WAV files, for multi-channel recording without a laptop, virtual sound checks, or live backing track support. Designed to turn your X32 into a 32-track recording console without the need for a computer, the Behringer X-LIVE 32-Channel SD Recording/Playback & USB Expansion Card for X32 Mixing Console combines the functionality of the X-USB USB audio/MIDI interface card-standard in X32 consoles for years- with fully independent recording and playback on dual SD/SDHC cards.